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ROGD Repair
Introduction & Orientation
(PUBLIC PREVIEW) Introducing ROGD Repair: a New, Game-Changing Resource for Concerned Parents of Trans-Identified Youth (75:58)
(PUBLIC PREVIEW) On the Fence? Here's Why You Should Sign Up Today (14:14)
ENROLLED STUDENTS START HERE: Welcome & Orientation (please do not skip) (11:46)
Disclaimer, Privacy Policy & Copyright
How This Course Came To Be (34:08)
Philosophy and Approach (14:09)
Before We Go On: Let's Take Privacy Seriously
First: Let's Address Your Fears About Suicide & Self-Harm
Introduction to this section
Addressing Suicide Responsibly (24:03)
Make Sure Self-Injury is Against the Rules in Your Home (3:27)
General Attitudes, Habits & Mindset Shifts to Adopt as You Go Through This Course
Introduction to General Attitudes, Habits & Mindset Shifts (2:19)
Give Up Wishful Thinking; This Won't Go Away On Its Own (4:11)
Realign with Your Core Values to Find Strength & Guidance (3:04)
Marathon Mindset: Being In It For the Long Haul (2:14)
The Importance of Slowing Down; Attuning to Recognize Opportunities (2:13)
Lifestyle Changes: A Brief Overview of Adjustments to Make (7:48)
Adopt a Posture of Non-Defensiveness to Soothe, De-Escalate, and Model Healthy Interactions (3:38)
Carry Yourself with Dignity Through Assertive Self-Respect (0:41)
Remember You Are the Adult (2:26)
Think Symbolically; Find Helpful Analogies (6:53)
Take the Next Step in the Dance (5:22)
Be Willing to Self-Reflect on Blind Spots and Shadows (2:29)
Model and Reflect on Matters of Grace and Forgiveness (5:53)
Stop Desperately Attempting to Persuade (2:55)
Refrain from Bribing, Bargaining & Coercing (6:48)
Avoid Long, Unreciprocated Texts and Emails (1:52)
Stop Losing Control of Your Emotions and Behavior (3:25)
Be Wary of Trusting the Wrong People & Making Yourself a Target (4:38)
When it Comes to Faith: Show, Don't Tell (2:40)
Embrace Nuance to Allow for Hope (2:41)
Don't Over-Give, Enable Bad Behavior, or Tolerate Abuse (3:59)
Get Your Priorities Straight (4:21)
Be Circumspect With Regard to Your Own Activism (5:30)
Assess Your Leverage & Tailor Interventions Accordingly (9:05)
Quick Interlude: Are You Enjoying This Course?
How's the Course So Far?
The Trifecta of Social Contagion
Introduction to the Trifecta (0:22)
Introduction to Woke Beliefs About Social Justice (17:55)
Mapping Your Child: The Trifecta + What = Perfect Storm? (5:31)
Relevant Psychological Concepts Affecting Your Family
Introduction to Psychological Concepts Section (0:43)
Double Binds: When You're Caught Between a Rock and a Hard Place (4:47)
Neuroplasticity, Addiction, and Obsessive-Compulsive Patterns (15:02)
Is Gender Dysphoria Ego-Syntonic or Ego-Dystonic? (7:58)
Cognitive Dissonance: Conflicting Beliefs Pervade Gender Ideology (11:57)
Secondary Gain: the Hidden Benefits of Suffering (4:10)
Adopting the Language of Parts (4:18)
The Sunk Cost Fallacy: Why We Continue When Our Behaviors Don't Pay Off (6:38)
The Hot-Cold Empathy Gap: Why We're Terrible at Predicting Our Future Responses (7:53)
Identity, Confidence, and Competence: the Crux of What Your Child Truly Needs (5:40)
The Default Mode Network vs. Task Positive Network; Impacts on Depression & Anxiety (7:15)
The Paradox of Choice: The Illusion that More Options = More Happiness (7:49)
Psychological Differentiation: An Often Missing Skill in Immature Youth (7:55)
Extinction Bursts vs. Intermittent Rewards in Behavioral Psychology (3:03)
Dissociation: Your Child's Mind-Body Disconnect (13:13)
Code-Switching: How We Navigate Different Social Environments (9:24)
Preference Falsification, The Emperor's New Clothes, and Drag Queens (9:15)
Hypersensitivity to Embarrassment & Scrutiny in Adolescents & Young Adults (20:29)
Twice-Exceptional Youth & the Lopsided Brain; Scaffolding Skills in Autistic Youth (25:04)
Empathy vs. Theory of Mind, featuring: Mentalizing (14:25)
One More Warning About Trusting Unverified Professionals (3:58)
Your Kid's Vulnerability Hangover (2:52)
Moral Foundations Theory & Nonviolent Communication (17:08)
Understanding & Dealing with Cluster B Personality Disorder Type Traits & Behaviors
Cluster B Personality Traits & Behaviors: A Brief Introduction & Overview (7:42)
Get Out of the F.O.G. of Emotional Blackmail (10:52)
Grandiosity: A Feature of Narcissism, or Just Immaturity? (5:00)
Projection: When Your Child's Emotions are Now Yours (8:28)
Depressed/Depleted Narcissism: Woe Is Me (6:51)
The Drama Triangle: Victim, Persecutor, and Rescuer (3:44)
A Funhouse Mirror Warning: When Both Sides Point the Narcissist Finger (3:32)
Entitlement, Resentment, "Narcissist Math" & the Woke Robinhood Mentality (28:33)
Communication 101: Asserting Boundaries
Introduction to this section
Boundaries and Consequences: An Overview (8:53)
Healthy Boundaries & Consequences, the Customer Service Attitude, & Being Life's Messenger (12:31)
Distinguish Between Your Boundaries and Your Opinions (6:13)
Front-Load Disappointing News to Reduce Anxiety (2:28)
Set Boundaries Using the Broken Record Technique (7:52)
Strategic Apologizing: A Helpful Tool for Delivering Hard News (5:42)
Absorb the Blows Preemptively: Conduct an Accusation Audit (10:56)
Playful Assertion to Protect the Quality of Interactions (3:56)
Financial Boundaries 1: Redirecting Savings for Future Medical Needs (9:06)
Communication 102: Effective Strategies and Approaches
Introduction to Communication Strategies Section (1:15)
Introduction to Strategic Thinking: Beginning with the End in Mind (7:28)
Nonverbal Communication and Your Nervous System (11:46)
Working With the Ego: Alter-Casting + Playing Dumb (16:26)
Curiosity Without Agreement; Reflective Listening with Differentiation (2:31)
Changing the Pattern: When All You Can Control is Your Own Predictability (10:54)
Dropping Defensiveness, Fessing Up: "You Caught Me" (2:56)
Reflective Listening & Empathic Guesses: Therapeutic Communication to Reduce Defensiveness (4:30)
Resist the Urge to Over-Share; Make Them Ask for Information Instead (2:44)
Make "NO" Work for You: Use No-Oriented Questions (3:26)
Pose Moral Dilemmas and Invite Critical Thinking (7:58)
Near-Future Pain and Embarrassment Are More Palpable to Teens Than Long Term Problems (6:14)
Use Accurate Language; Avoid Cliches (2:15)
Leave Reading Material Lying Around So Kids Can Peruse Un-Self-Consciously (2:49)
Use "What" and "How" Questions, Rather Than "Why" (2:25)
Emphasize Near-Term Pain and Embarrassment Over Long Term Medical Consequences (4:53)
De-Personalize It: Invite Opinions on What Others Should Do (4:21)
Playfulness & Self-Effacing Humor (6:36)
Set Aside Talk of Detransitioners; Express Concern for Trans People Instead (3:49)
A Different Way to Speak About Detransitioners (5:59)
Say "You're Right" Early and Often (2:35)
Statements to Buy Yourself Time + Circle Back (13:55)
A Strategy for Handling Projection: Inverting "The Work" of Byron Katie (18:25)
Female-Specific Issues
Your Daughter's Menstrual Cycle: Every Phase & Why It Matters (51:19)
Menopause, Menarche, and Female Role Models (16:42)
Male-Specific Issues
Aggression in Males (16:12)
Autogynephilia as a Safety Blanket (18:37)
Gaining Further Insight Into Your Child and What You Can Do
Introduction to Further Insights Section (0:26)
Detecting Hidden Signs of Ambivalence & Doubt (8:53)
What's in a Name? (4:36)
Bad Things Won't Happen to My Friends (6:13)
The Right Side of History (5:41)
Gameable Heuristics: When Mental Shortcuts Create Exploitable Loopholes (11:04)
Differences in Worldviews Between Youthful Progressives & Mature Moderates (18:06)
Secrets Policies and Parental/Familial Triangulation (13:37)
The Writing on the Wall: Threat of Estrangement; Getting Ahead vs. Behind Where They're Going (13:22)
Don't Burst Their Bubble; Try to Understand the Bubble (11:28)
Is There Hope? Ways of Orienting to Questions of Optimism, Effort, and Despair (25:15)
Comfort and Challenge: The Paradoxical Relationship (18:56)
Is "Gender-Nonconforming" Actually the Best Way to Describe Your Child? (5:56)
Inhibition vs. Disinhibition, Neuroplasticity & Flow States (23:20)
Dissociation vs. Embodiment, Featuring: Proprioception (18:58)
Time Horizons & Empathy for Our Future Self (17:48)
Holistic Therapeutics: Float Tanks & Hot/Cold Therapies (22:23)
Trump's Executive Orders: Applying the Tools to How You Communicate. Plus: Why Switch to Group Chats (34:55)
Implementing a Digital Sabbath & Drawing Your Kid Out of Their Room (24:39)
Examining Myths Embedded in Gender Ideology
Trans Exceptionalism: The Myth of a Special Kind of Human (5:38)
The Myth of Mind-Body Separation (2:54)
The Myth That Trans People Definitely Won't Want Children (4:18)
Stories and Examples
Introduction to Stories and Examples
Closing Remarks
A List of Topics to Come
Closing Remarks (14:26)
Bonus Content: Early Access to New Episodes of You Must Be Some Kind of Therapist Podcast
Introduction to This Section
#137: The Crisis in Pediatric Care: Dr. Nikki Johnson on Medical Ethics & Patient Advocacy (84:07)
#138: United States v. Skrmetti: Detransitioners Amicus Brief in Supreme Court Case with Diana Lutfi (85:04)
#139: The ROGD Repair Scholarship Program: Supporting Parents of Trans-Identified Youth (52:51)
#140: Gender Dysphoria as a Mind-Body Problem: A Psychoanalytic Perspective with Jaco van Zyl (95:00)
#141: We Wish You a Merry Christmas (3:59)
#142: Year in Review: 2024 Reflections and 2025 Aspirations
#143: How Harrison Tinsley Saved His Son: A Harrowing Battle with Gender Lunacy (68:48)
#144: Scapegoat or Sacrifice? Nina Paley Reframes Group Dynamics & Cancel Culture (98:27)
#145: Putting Children’s Needs Before Adults’ Desires with Katy Faust (64:39)
#146: Raising Young Renaissance Men: Maxim Smith on The Preparation, an Alternative to College (70:41)
#147: Supporting Wives and Girlfriends of Autogynephilic Men: Is Healthy Relating Possible? (74:40)
#148: Executive Orders Decoded: Attorney Glenna Goldis Explains Impacts on American Families (103:20)
#149: Sissy Hypnosis Pornography: What Parents of Boys Need to Know with Shane Cole (101:17)
#150. When Treatment Worsens Trauma: Detransitioner Levi Hayes on Filing a Board Complaint (83:03)
#151. Revisiting Race Relations: Letters in Black and White with Winkfield Twyman & Jennifer Richmond (104:54)
#152. The Catholic Blueprint of the Human Psyche with Dr. Gregory Bottaro (80:00)
#153. Understanding Identity and Personhood Through a Catholic Lens with Dr. Greg Bottaro (52:34)
#154. Uncomfortable Truths About “Trans”: A Conversation with Filmmaker Travis Brown (66:23)
#155. The Wrong Kind of Student: Arnold Cantu on Academic Freedom and the Capture of Social Work (84:35)
Assess Your Leverage & Tailor Interventions Accordingly
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